Dynamic Oriental

by Ricardo Chavez-Mendez
Buy the Original Painting
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30.000 x 40.000 x 1.500 inches
This original painting is currently for sale. At the present time, originals are not offered for sale through the Ricardo Chavez-Mendez Official Website secure checkout system. Please contact the artist directly to inquire about purchasing this original.
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Dynamic Oriental
Ricardo Chavez-Mendez
Painting - Oil On Canvas
Part of the Dynamic Series done in the Curvismo style by the Master of Curvismo. The parisal and the torrie are creatively meshed together in this warm imagery in the oriental theme.
Licensing available. Please contact ORO Fine Art Gallery directly by email.
November 25th, 2012
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Comments (25)

Anthony Lyon
Ricardo, another masterwork from your portfolio. Dazzling colour combinations, sweeping movement and what a composition! Many congratulations. Fav'/voted.
Ricardo Chavez-Mendez replied:
Thank you, Anthony for your comments and for following, you are much appreciated!

Pamela Allegretto
Ricardo Chavez-Mendez replied:
Im going through all my comments and I noticed I missed a few, please forgive the delay but you all are appreciated for commenting and your support! Thank you!

Glenn McCarthy Art and Photography
Beautiful. Congratulations on the sale today.
Ricardo Chavez-Mendez replied:
Im going through all my comments and I noticed I missed a few, please forgive the delay but you all are appreciated for commenting and your support! Thank you!

Lazaro Hurtado
Ricardo Chavez-Mendez replied:
Im going through all my comments and I noticed I missed a few, please forgive the delay but you all are appreciated for commenting and your support! Thank you!

Peggy Collins
Ricardo, this is just glorious! As usual I love your flowing work with the insanely beautiful colors. Congratulations on your well-deserved sale! v/f