Dynamic Queen 5
by Ricardo Chavez-Mendez
Buy the Original Painting
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36.000 x 48.000 x 1.500 inches
This original painting is currently for sale. At the present time, originals are not offered for sale through the Ricardo Chavez-Mendez Official Website secure checkout system. Please contact the artist directly to inquire about purchasing this original.
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Dynamic Queen 5
Ricardo Chavez-Mendez
Painting - Oil
In the tradition of the Dynamic Series, Ricardo has created the Dynamic Queens. There are 7 Queens in the collection in the Curvismo style.
Licensing available. Please contact ORO Fine Art Gallery directly by email.
February 22nd, 2013
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Comments (7)
Gerald Strine
Ricardo your works are masterful,beautiful and vibrant your skills are over the top I shall look forward to more works of beauty from you.
Ricardo Chavez-Mendez replied:
Thank you, Gerald, Im sorry for the delay in response but we are appreciative of all your support! Yes, keep your eye's peeled I will be placing more images up soon!
Rolando Burbon
Gorgeous And Fascinating. The Forms Make Me Think Of Egyptian Art. FV
Ricardo Chavez-Mendez replied:
Thank you Rolando! She is actually based on the Queen of Fertility so you are spot on!
Liudmila Di
Interesting painting!.. V
Ricardo Chavez-Mendez replied:
Thank you! There are 7 in the series but the others arent quite ready for printing yet.