Three Moon Eagle

by Ricardo Chavez-Mendez
Buy the Original Painting
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48.000 x 36.000 x 1.500 inches
This original painting is currently for sale. At the present time, originals are not offered for sale through the Ricardo Chavez-Mendez Official Website secure checkout system. Please contact the artist directly to inquire about purchasing this original.
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Three Moon Eagle
Ricardo Chavez-Mendez
Painting - Oil
Three moon Eagle in 1999 was the start of the On Sacred Ground Series, still not sure as to what the name of this new art concept would be, Ricardo simply called it surrealism.
In a private collection in Albuquerque, NM.
Licensing available. Please contact ORO Fine Art Gallery directly by email.
November 25th, 2012
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Comments (25)

Bob Christopher
Hi Ricardo... I like your painting. Wow, this is marvellous. Beautiful in so many ways. Superbly painted...Cheers Bob fv

Shannon Story
Ricardo Chavez-Mendez replied:
Thank you for your WOW, Shannon! Please excuse the delay in response, I'm finding comments I've missed.

Joni McPherson
Very creative, congrats. Joni
Ricardo Chavez-Mendez replied:
Why thank you, Joni! Im glad you think so! Thank you for your comments!

John Alexander
Absolutely wonderful. Wow.
Ricardo Chavez-Mendez replied:
I am so glad you like these images, This image is an honorable On Sacred Ground Series image, it was pre-series but very linked to the series.

Sharon Sikora-Tackett
I am studying Humanities in college. And we had to do a paper on a style of panting and how it impresses you. I done my paper on the American Indian theme of paintings and what I think the meaning of the paintings is. I had to pick three paintings and this painting was one of the paintings I picked. I was very impressed with the colors along with the spirit of the Eagle guiding this hunter. It is a wonderful painting.
Ricardo Chavez-Mendez replied:
Thank you, Sharon! I just saw this post. You can ask me any question about the art I produce if you ever have any.

Kim Sy Ok
Fantastic-congrats on your sale, Ricardo :)!!! v/f -Kim
Ricardo Chavez-Mendez replied:
wow, Im slackin here....thank you, Kim for your support! You're terrific!